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Add Local Avatar

This plugin adds the ability to manage global, local, and use twitter avatars.

Adds local (private) avatars for your users. Maybe your users don’t want a global avatar, aren’t IT savvy enough to set a Gravatar up, simply want a private avatar for your blog, or any other reason too… Well, from WordPress 2.5 onwards, you can manage local and global avatars with this plugin. Plus you can use your Twitter avatar too!

From v9.0 Avatars requires PHP version 5.1.3 or greater.

The plug-in now delivers the much requested feature of allowing users to upload their own local avatar. And, the latest new feature allows your users to use their Twitter avatar. The order of precedence is; Local, Twitter, then Global. In other words; if you define a Local avatar for a user, that will be used, if there is no Local avatar defined and a Twitter ID is given for a user, the plugin will try to use that avatar. Lastly, where no Local avatar is defined and no Twitter ID is given (or Twitter doesn’t return a match), a unique Global avatar (Gravatar) will be generated.
